The mission of Neurobehavioral Consultants (NCSS) is to provide comprehensive, timely, and accurate evaluations of children, collecting data from multiple sources and using the most up-to-date testing procedures to maximize diagnostic accuracy. The ultimate goal is to improve functioning in all aspects of life.

NCSS works with a variety of referral sources including, but not limited to:

  1. Parents
  2. Pediatricians
  3. Family Physicians
  4. School Systems

We make the entire evaluation process seamless and stress-free for you and your child. We offer:

  1. Timely appointments (most often within 1-2 weeks of your initial call to us).
  2. Flexible times and locations- we offer 2 convenient locations-in the central part of the state, Warwick and in the southern part of the state; Peace Dale (South Kingstown). Please see our Locations for addresses and link to directions.
  3. Acceptance of most major health insurance, including: Blue Cross Blue Shield (all plans including Rhode Island), Cigna, and Tufts HealthCare.
  4. Follow-up referrals to licensed mental health providers with experience treating your child’s condition.

Parental Rights

As a parent or legal guardian, you have the right to an independent evaluation (even if the school has already evaluated your child). You have the right to know why your child struggles.

Accurate Diagnosis

It is absolutely critical to obtain the correct diagnosis as early as possible. An accurate diagnosis helps professionals plan the proper course of treatment. The earlier treatment starts, the sooner symptoms are alleviated and the better the long-term outcome.

The Factors

Our evaluation will outline the factors that limit your child’s potential (i.e. ADHD, Autism spectrum disorders, learning disabilities, emotional and behavioral difficulties, brain injury) and we will provide clear recommendations for treatment (solutions) and strategies to maximize success in the future.


Dr. Jeffrey R. Brusini, Esq.

Since 1988, Jeffrey R. Brusini, D.Bh., Esq, has been providing treatment and assessment services for children with challenging behavioral, emotional, and psychiatric needs. He served as the director of a private day school for children for 10 years, and in 2001, created, opened, and continues to run Mount Pleasant Academy, a pediatric psychiatric day treatment facility in Providence. He has maintained a private practice providing clinical mental health assessments and treatment for children and families in Washington County since 1997. He co-created Neurobehavioral Consultants, LLC in 2005, and has a masters degree in Counseling Psychology and a doctoral degree in Behavioral Health.  He is a licensed clinical psychologist in RI.

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